Unlock doors
Padlock and bolt for front door
Disable alarm
Storeroom door
Office door
Turn on lights
Main studio lights
Gallery lights
Front desk light
Fridge light
Batteries for arrow light on desk
Lights next to atari’s
Turn on PC’s
Turn on TVs
Start steamVR
Join start of day discord channel
Wipe headsets/lenses
Make sure controllers are charged
Start thrBlu on some PC's
Turn on iPad (front and back)
Open blinds
Turn open/close sign around
Put out front mat
Turn on front TVs and load videos
Take out signs
4 a frame signs, 1 banner, 1 flag
Put out bike with lock
Turn on Air conditioners
Turn on front fans
Turn on fans for each booth
Turn on Atari’s
Turn on speaker, put on music
Tidy front desk
Check/clean bathroom
Check voicemail
Turn of PCs
Turn off TVs
Make sure controllers are plugged in to charge
Bring in signs
4 A frame signs, 1 banner, 1 flag​
bring in bike and lock
Turn off fans
Turn off Air conditioners
Turn off Atari’s
Check/clean bathroom
mop floor​
Empty bins
Top up fridge/lolipops
Vacuum floor
Water plants
Close blinds
Bring in mat
Turn off lights
Charge batteries for arrow sign on desk
Unplug lights next to ataris
Turn off gallery lights
Turn off studio lights
Turn off Ipad
Write hours in book
Lock doors
Back office
Front door (bolt and padlock)
Activate alarm
Table (large or small) + table cloth
Flag / ground stand
Pamphlets + pamphlet holder
Price / options sign
2-4 quests with ear covers
lots of quest batteries
Usb-c cable and power plug for each quest
Quest charging plate or USB cables
2x quest batteries for each quest
Pack of AA batteries for controllers
Chromecast TV for each quest + remote
TV playing promotional video (optional) + remote and usb stick
Hotspot device with charging cable
Square reader + charge cable
Power Cables
1x 4-point power board for every 2 quests
Power board for promotional tv and hotspot
Extension cables
Wipes for lenses and headsets
Rubbish bag for used wipes
1-2 stools for seated games
4x bollards
table for TV / TV stands
Marquee / sandbags
2 x portable spot lights